Optical Character Recognition using REST API

Saaspose.OCR is a cloud-based REST API for optical character recognition and document scanning. It allows you to scan documents and recognize characters. Saaspose.OCR is platform independent and can be used with any language like .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Rails, Python, jQuery and many more. The API integrates with other cloud services to give you the flexibility you need when working with OCR and scanning.

File Format API OCR

Feature Rich OCR API

Saaspose.OCR’s REST API provides features for recognizing text in images in the cloud. Recognize text in English and other languages, and recognize text in only part of an image. Saaspose.OCR supports a variety of fonts in different styles, like regular, bold, and italic, and different image formats. You can use Saaspose.OCR in many scenarios, for example, extracting text and saving to a database.

Supported Features and Formats OCR

Platform Independent Character Recognition API

Saaspose.OCR can be used in web, desktop, mobile and cloud applications alike. It is a platform independent character recognition API that you can use with any language and on any platform. Saaspose.OCR is not limited to a particular business type: you can use it any application where you need to recognize characters or related text information.

Supported Platforms OCR

Using REST API for Document Scanning and OCR

Saaspose.OCR is a cloud-based API: all you need to do to use it is register and get an app key and SID. These give you access to Saaspose’s code storage and all of Saaspose.OCR’ methods for character recognition and document scanning.
All the API’s features are exposed as unique REST URIs that you can access either directly or through an SDK. Accessing the API directly, or using a native REST client, is more flexible because it allows you to construct requests and responses any way you want. SDKs are wrappers to the API that give you an easy-to-use interface for character recognition and document scanning with Saaspose.OCR.

Supported lang OCR

Get Started with OCR REST API

Getting started with Saaspose.OCR is quick and easy and there’s nothing to install. Simply create an account at Saaspose and get your application information (app key and SID). Then go ahead and use the Saaspose.OCR REST API with any language, on any platform.